Monday, June 30, 2008

Toronto Delta Chi Alumni - Calvin Barry

I'm pleased to introduce to you our newly installed Toronto Delta Chi Alumni Chapter Executive Committee for the remainder of 2008 and first half of 2009: Timmy Ray (Windsor '04) has been promoted as our chapter president ("A"). He's no stranger to leading Delta Chi, having spent one year as "A" of the Windsor Chapter in 2003-2004 and is our outgoing social chair. I am now managing our finances as our new treasurer ("D"). Calvin Barry (Windsor) remains our vice president ("B"), while Jon Seaby (UWO '98) exchanges positions with Tom Houde (Windsor '04) to move up from sargeant-of-arms ("F") to secretary ("C"). Recently married Vic Smith (UWO '95) departs from the "D" position to settle into a position well suited for his outgoing personality, social chairman ("X"). Ranjan Agarwal (Alberta) remains our alumni relations officer ("E").

Below is our new executives' contact info. Feel free to drop them a line to say "hi" and welcome them to their new posts.

A - Timothy Ray -
B - Calvin Barry -
C - Jon Seaby -
D - Elliott Chun -
E - Ranjan Agarwal -
F - Tom Houde -
X - Vic Smith -

I hope to see/meet many of you, your family and guests at Toronto Delta Chi's July 13th barbecue. Please RSVP to Timmy Ray by Friday, July 4th to let him know whether you can attend so we can budget for food and beverages accordingly.